姓 名:韩德仁
职 称:教授
● 2002、11-2004、10,新加坡-MIT学术联盟(SMA),博士后.
● 1997、9-2002、7,南京大学数学系,获博士学位.
● 1993、9-1997、7,南京大学数学系,获学士学位.
● 2017、12-现在,best365网页数学学院院,教授、博导;
● 2011、6-2017、12,数科院,教授、博导;
● 2014、6-2014、7,南洋理工大学土木及环境科学系,访问教授;
● 2010、1–2010、2,香港浸会大学数学系,访问学者;
● 2009、1–2009、2,香港科技大学土木工程系,访问学者;
● 2007、6–2008、9,香港理工大学数学系,访问学者;
● 2007、2–2007、5,香港城市大学数学系,访问学者;
● 2005、6–,南京师范大学数科院,副教授;
● 2002、9–2005、5,南京师范大学数科院,讲师
● 国家自然科学基金天元基金:基于分式模型的信赖域优化算法研究,20万, 2020、1-2020、12。(11926358)
● 国家级人才基金:非线性规划理论与方法,245万, 2017、1-2021、12。(11625105)
● 国家自然科学基金:“大规模稀疏优化问题的理论与算法”,参加(3/7),280万, 2015、1-2019、12。(11431002)
● 国家自然科学基金:“广义Nash均衡问题的分解算法研究及应用”,主持人,62万, 2014、1-2017、12。(11371197)
● 国家自然科学基金:“张量分解与最优化及其在信息处理中的应用”,第一参加人,43万,2012、1-2014、12。(11171159)
● 国家自然科学基金:“解微分变分不等式问题的数值方法及动态交通平衡问题”,主持人,33万, 2011、1-2013、12.(11071122)
● Fan Jiang, Xingju Cai, Zhongming Wu, andDeren Han, Approximate first-order primal-dual algorithms for saddle point problems, Mathematics of Computation, 2021
● Xue Gao, Xingju Cai, andDeren Han, A Gauss–Seidel type inertial proximal alternating linearized minimization for a class of nonconvex optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 76 (2020) 863–887.
● Yanning Jiang, Xingju Cai, andDeren Han, Solving policy design problems: Alternating direction method of multipliers-based methods for structured inverse variational inequalities, European Journal of Operational Research 280 (2),(2020)417-427
● Yan Gu, Xingju Cai,Deren Han,and David Z.W. Wang, A tri-level optimization model for a private road competition problem with traffic equilibrium constraints, European Journal of Operational Research 273(1) (2019) 190-197.
● Deren Han,Defeng Sun, and Liwei Zhang, “Linear rate convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers for convex composite programming”,Mathematics of Operations Research 43(2) (2018) 622-637.
● Ke Guo,Deren Han, and Xiaoming Yuan, “Convergence Analysis of Douglas-Rachford Splitting Method for ``Strongly + Weakly" Convex Programming”,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55(4)(2017)1549-1577.
● Yuhong Dai,Deren Han, Xiaoming Yuan, and Wenxing Zhang, “A sequential updating scheme of Lagrange multiplier for separable convex programming”, Mathematics of Computation 86 (2017) 315-343.
● Xingju Cai,Deren Han, and Xiaoming Yuan, “On the convergence of the direct extension of ADMM for three-block separable convex minimization models with one strongly convex function”,Computational Optimization with Applications 66 (2017) 39-73.
● Yannan Chen, Yuhong Dai, andDeren Han, “Fiber orientation distribution estimation using a Peaceman-Rachford splitting method”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9(2) (2016) 573-604.
● Weihong Yang andDeren Han, “Linear convergence of alternating direction method of multipliers for a class of convex optimization problems”, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54(2)(2016) 625-640.
● Deren Han, Weiwei Kong, and Wenxing Zhang, “A partial splitting augmented Lagrangian method for low patch-rank image decomposition”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 51(1) (2015) 145-160.
● Deren Han, Xiaoming Yuan, Wenxing Zhang, “An augmented-Lagrangian-based parallel splitting method for separable convex minimization with applications to image processing”, Mathematics of Computation 83 (2014) 2263-2291.
● Deren Han, Hongjin He, Hai Yang, Xiaoming Yuan, “A customized Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for separable convex minimization with linear constraints”, Numerische Mathematik127 (2014) 167-200
● Deren Han, Xiaoming Yuan, “Local linear convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers for quadratic programs”, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis51(6)(2013)3446–3457.
● Yannan Chen, Yuhong Dai,Deren Han, and Wenyu Sun, “Positive semidefinite generalized diffusion tensor imaging via quadratic semidefinite programming”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences6 (2013) 1531-1552.
● Deren Han,Hongchao Zhang, Gang Qian, and Lingling Xu, “An improved two-step method for solving generalized Nash equilibrium problems”, European Journal of Operational Research 216 (2012) 613-623.
● Yannan Chen,Deren Han,and Liqun Qi, “New ALS methods with extrapolating search directions and optimal step size for complex-valued tensor decompositions”, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing59(2011)5888-5898.
● Deren Hanand Hai Yang,“Congestion pricing in the absence of demand functions”, Transportation Research Part E 45 (2009) 159-171.
● Deren Han, Wei Xu, and Hai Yang, “An operator splitting method for variational inequalities with partially unknown mappings”, Numerische Mathematik 111 (2008) 207-237.
● Deren Hanand Hai Yang, “The multi-class, multi-criterion traffic equilibrium and the efficiency of congestion pricing”, Transportation Research Part E 44 (2008) 753-773.
● Deren Han,Hong K. Lo, Jie Sun, and Hai Yang, “The toll effect on price of anarchy with nonlinear and asymmetric costs”, European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2008) 300-316.
● Feng Xiao, Hai Yang, andDeren Han, “Competition and efficiency of private toll roads”, Transportation Research Part B41 (2007) 292-308.
● Deren Hanand Hong K. Lo, “Solving non-additive traffic assignment problems: A descent method for co-coercive variational inequalities”, European Journal of Operational Research 159 (2004) 529-545.
● Bingsheng He, Lizhi Liao,Deren Hanand Hai Yang, “A new inexact alternating direction method for monotone variational inequalities”, Mathematical Programming 92 (2002) 103-118.
● 数学前沿导论,春季学期
● 最优化理论与方法,秋季学期
● 本科生研讨课(春、秋)
● 凸分析,秋季学期
● 江苏省科技进步二等奖, 7/7 (2006).
● 中国运筹学会青年科技奖二等奖(2010).
● 大型复杂问题科学计算问题的理论、算法与应用研究,江苏省科技进步二等奖, 3/6 (2015)
● 教育部高等学校数学类专业教指委秘书长
● 中国运筹学会常务理事、青年工作委员会主任
● 中国运筹学会数学规划分会常务理事
● 《Journal of Global Optimization》编委
● 《Journal of the Operations Research Society of China》编委
● 《数值计算与计算机应用》编委
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