姓 名: 黄猛
职 称: 副教授
所属系别: 计算科学系
学科专业: 计算数学
办公地点:沙河校区主 E406-3
2014.09——2019.06 中科院数学与系统科学研究院 博士
2010.09——2014.06 重庆大学 学士
2022.01——至今 best365网页 best365网页版登录
2019.09——2022.01 香港科技大学 博士后
北京市自然科学基金,重点研究专题,基于实际观测类型图像重建的理论和算法,2019.01——2022.12, 参与
M. Huang*, S. Sun, and Z. Xu, "Affine phase retrieval for sparse signals via l1 minimization", to appear in Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 2023.
J. F. Cai, M. Huang*, D. Li, and Y. Wang, "Nearly optimal bounds for the global geometric landscape of phase retrieval", to appear in Inverse Problems, 2023.
J. F. Cai, M. Huang*, D. Li, and Y. Wang, "Solving phase retrieval with random initial guess is nearly as good as by spectral initialization", Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 58, pp. 60-84, 2022.
M. Huang* and Y. Wang, "Linear convergence of randomized Kaczmarz method for solving complex-valued phaseless equations", SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 15, no.2, pp. 989-1016, 2022.
J. F. Cai, M. Huang, D. Li*, and Y. Wang, "The global landscape of phase retrieval II: quotient intensity models", Ann. Appl. Math., 38(1), pp. 62-114, 2021.
J. F. Cai, M. Huang, D. Li*, and Y. Wang, "The global landscape of phase retrieval I: perturbed amplitude models", Ann. Appl. Math., 37(4), pp. 437-512, 2021.
M. Huang, Y. Rong, Y. Wang, and Z. Xu*, "Almost everywhere generalized phase retrieval", Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 50, pp. 16-33, 2021.
M. Huang* and Z. Xu, "Phase retrieval from the norms of affine transformations", Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 130, 102243, 2021.
M. Huang, M. J. Lai*, A. Varghese, and Z. Xu, "On DC based methods for phase retrieval", Approximation Theory XVI: Nashville, pp. 87-121, 2020.
M. Huang and Z. Xu*, "The estimation performance of nonlinear least squares for phase retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(12), pp. 7967-7977, 2020.
M. Huang and Z. Xu*, "Solving systems of quadratic equations via exponential-type gradient descent algorithm", Journal of Computational Mathematics, 38(4), pp. 638-660, 2019.
M. Huang, Y. Pang, and Z. Xu*, "Improved bounds for the RIP of Subsampled Circulant Matrices", Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, vol. 18, pp. 1-8, 2018.
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