Computing Equilibria in Network Formation Games
报告时间:2023年7月11日 星期二 下午16:00-17:00
报告地点:沙河校区E404 (线下)
腾讯会议:995-572-353 会议密码:0711 (线上)
报告摘要:Networks are at the forefront of research in economics and operations research as powerful tools to model social and economic interactions. In network formation theory, one of the most important stability concepts for networks is pairwise stability. We develop a path-following algorithm that is effective in computing pairwise stable networks for a generic network formation problem. To do so, we reformulate the concept of pairwise stability as a Nash equilibrium of a non-cooperative game played by the links in the network and adapt the linear tracing procedure for non-cooperative games to the network formation problem. As a by-product of our main result, we obtain that the number of pairwise stable networks is generically odd. We apply the algorithm to a model of social communication.
报告人简介:占杨现为南京大学工程管理学院工业工程与运营管理系助理教授(特聘研究员),2015年于中国科学技术大学获学士学位,2019年于香港城市大学获博士学位。在加入南京大学前,曾在香港科技大学做博士后研究。2018年曾在瑞士苏黎世大学访问学习。研究兴趣包括运筹优化,计算经济学,博弈论等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和江苏省自然科学基金青年项目。科研成果发表在Mathematical Programming, Journal of Mathematical Economics等运筹学和经济学领域期刊上。